HYPRES Inc Time-lapse Video Of ICE-T Operation
June 27, 2017
HYPRES exhibits at MILCOM 2017
October 15, 2017CEC-ICMC Scheduled for July 9-13 in Madison, Wisconsin
Elmsford, NY (July 7, 2017) — The 2017 Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference (CEC-ICMC), scheduled for July 9-13 in Madison, Wisconsin, will include a new focus area on Cryogenic Microelectronics and Materials. In addition to three sessions with invited talks from leading researchers in superconductor electronics and cryogenic semiconductor electronics, the conference features Dr. Deborah Van Vechten of the Office of Naval Research as a plenary speaker.
The CEC-ICMC 2017 conference, now in its 21 st year, is organized to convene researchers from leading research and development institutions, universities and industries around the world, to stimulate the discussion and presentation of research in the field of cryogenic engineering and materials. This year’s events are focused on the production and application of low temperatures.
The technical program of the conferences will feature the latest research and state-of- the-art developments in all cryogenics areas, including superconductivity, cryocoolers, cryogenic materials, and applications.
HYPRES, the Digital Superconductor Company, will be represented by Dr. Deepnarayan Gupta, Executive Vice President, RF Circuits and Systems, and Dr. Timur Filippov, a Senior Member of the Research Staff. Dr. Gupta, who was instrumental in organizing the new focus area on cryogenic microelectronics, will chair the plenary session and co-chair two of the focus sessions.
Dr. Filippov, a well-known designer of superconductor integrated circuits, will be presenting HYPRES work in the area of digital readout of cryogenic detectors.
Dr. Gupta’s sessions will be part of the ICMC track and are outlined as follows:
M3OrF – Focused Session: Cryogenic Microelectronics & Materials II – Dr. Gupta will co-chair this session with Dr. Charles Rong, United States Army Research Laboratory, who is the ICMC Program Chair. The track will examine the challenge in developing more complex superconducting detectors and cryogenic electronics to explore new detector and circuit ideas.
M4PL – ICMC Thursday Plenary featuring Dr. Deborah Van Vechten, U.S. Office of Naval Research, who will speak about “What productization of superconducting electronics requires of the cryocooler community”.
M4OrA – Focused Session: Cryogenic Microelectronics & Materials III – Dr. Gupta will co-chair this session with the ICMC Conference Chair, Dr. Timothy Haugan of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. The session includes topics ranging from cryocoolers for cryogenic detectors to quantum information science.
For more information about CEC-ICMC please visit http://www.cec-icmc.org/.
HYPRES, Inc., Elmsford, NY, develops and commercializes superconductor integrated circuits (ICs) and systems that provide unparalleled performance advantages for government and commercial applications. A flagship product is the Advanced Digital-RF Receiver (ADR), comprising superconducting digital and mixed-signal ICs packaged on a cryocooler. HYPRES also develops custom semiconductor ICs, high-performance analog RF circuits, superconductor digital logic, and operates a complete commercial niobium-based superconducting integrated circuit (IC) foundry. HYPRES recently introduced the Integrated Cryoelectronics Test Bed (ICE-T), a turnkey laboratory test system requiring no liquid cryogen. It provides a complete cryogenic infrastructure for broadband electrical testing of standard and custom high-speed superconducting integrated circuits at 4 K and above.